Dr. Davenport has found that “disruptive behavior” in the classroom and at home is often related to trouble stopping and thinking. His STOP-THINK-GO approach is designed to help students recognize the cause/effect of their behavior and then make plans to address their impulsivity
Help for Loving Your Determined Child or Teen
The determined child or teen is sometimes called difficult, feisty, stubborn, willful, or bossy. Parents of determined children often come to our office frustrated stating, “We’ve tried everything to discipline her, but nothing works!” They leave saying, “Thanks!”
Help Your Struggling Child or Teen Understand Her Worth
With the understanding of her worth and the acceptance of her learning, social, emotional, or attention challenges, a child or teen frequently becomes less hard on herself emotionally and over time becomes tougher on herself to accomplish specific goals.
Actively Reading Textbooks
Many students I know go to sleep reading their textbooks. This is an active study strategy that millions have used to improve their comprehension and learning from text books.
Working Memory: What is It and How Do I Get More?
Working memory is an important cross-roads of our memory: information not only goes through working memory to get stored in and retrieved from long-term memory. Information is also held in working memory while we are completing daily tasks like reading, writing, math, and problem solving.
Collaborative Problem Solving with Your Teen or Tween
“Collaborative Problem Solving” is a process that helps your determined (stubborn or strong-willed) child or teen feel as if she can maintain whatever control she has when you need to address her needs. In this article, Dr. Davenport outlines how to talk with your determined child about getting ready to go to school in a timely manner in the mornings.
You are More…
In their music video, Tenth Avenue North reminds you that You Are More than the sum of our past mistakes.
Executive Function Screening
Executive functions are the skills that help us to start productive behaviors and stop unproductive behaviors to successfully reach our goals while staying connected to others.
Do you or a loved one struggle with executive functions like time management, organization, planning/prioritizing, or procrastination? Take this simple screening to find out!
Happy Independence Day!
Our country’s independence was won by a bunch of determined individuals over 200 years ago. Celebrate the day with your independent determined child!
The Road to Success Starts Here!
If you, your child, your teen, or your family need help making it through a major difficult crossroad in life or a mere bump in the road, our team has the knowledge, experience, and compassion to provide tailor-made life-changing skills and help you find your way.
We provide no-nonsense, no-psycho-babble, research-based services to help address unique needs. We not only suggest specific solutions: we strive to help you build the skills needed to take control of your life and experience the successes you long for.
Life can be tough, and we all struggle at times. Take the first step to health and healing: Call 817-421-8780 today to see how our team can help you!
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