Do You Provide Neurofeedback for ADHD?

According to the National Resource Center on ADHD,  “Current research does not support conclusive claims about its efficacy. Based on the available evidence and the cost involved, parents and others should continue to exercise caution if considering neurofeedback as an intervention for themselves or their child.”  Therefore, we have decided not provide neurofeedback as a treatment for our clients with ADHD.


Click here to view the entire National Resource Center Fact Sheet on Neurofeedback and ADHD.

Click here for a complete NRC fact sheet about Alternative Treatments



The National Resource Center on ADHD is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities (CDC/NCBDDD). The NRC provides current research-based information on ADHD which affects how millions of children and adults function on a daily basis.


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