Child / Teen Evaluation of ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Mood

When your child or teen is struggling, you need strong and reliable advice provided in a caring and compassionate manner.  Dr. Davenport has over 20 years experience providing this type of assistance.

His evaluation for children and teens is designed to identify or rule-out ADHD, anxiety, and mood disorders is typically completed in two sessions.

First Session: 2 hours

Before the first session, you are asked to complete the Parent Questionnaire and either e-mail, fax, or bring it to our office so Dr. Davenport can review this information prior to your first appointment.

During this 2 hour session, Dr. Davenport completes a clinical interview with you and your child/teen.  This highly structured interview is designed to consider the nature, history, duration, and impact of your symptoms at home, at work, and in social settings.

    • Review of medical and family history.

    • Review of developmental, academic, and social history.

    • Consideration all possible diagnoses including ADD/ADHD, adjustment, anxiety and mood disorders.

    • Consideration of possible co-existing disorders.

After the first session, you are provided rating forms to be completed by teachers in order to measure adaptive functioning, social, emotional, and behavioral concerns at school .

Second Session: 1 hour

  • Rating forms (if requested) are scored and discussed.

  • History of symptoms and any resulting diagnoses are discussed.

  • You and your child/teen are educated about his or her diagnosis.

  • We will discuss a management plan to address specific needs.

  • Printed materials about your diagnoses are provided.

  • Your questions are answered.

Written Report

After the evaluation, Dr. Davenport prepares an evaluation summary and recommendations addressing strengths and needs.  This written report is mailed (or e-mailed) to you within 3 weeks after your second appointment.

Ready to Get Started?

To make an appointment, call 817.421.8780


(c) 2010-2015, Monte W. Davenport, Ph.D.

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