Increasing Focus on Instructions, Teaching, & Tasks

Classroom accommodations are a vital part of the management process for students who struggle with sustained attention.  Parents are encouraged to collaborate with their students’ educators to consider these classroom accommodations designed to increase their focus on instructions and tasks while facilitating success in their academic and personal efforts. Increase Focus on Instructions Provide preferential seating…

Completing a Weekly Review

High school and college students may find it helpful to schedule an appointment with themselves at the beginning of the week to complete a preview of what to expect. To do so, download the Student Weekly Review Worksheet and follow these instructions. Past-Forward First, look at the past week and see if there are any…

Executive Functioning: Self-Management

Self-management involves the executive skills that are necessary to stay on track in life and then get back on track when we have lost our way. Self-Monitoring Self-monitoring is the ability to think about your thinking, self-evaluate, and self-regulate to stop unproductive behaviors and stay the course to reaching your goals.  Children with poor self-monitoring often…

Executive Functioning: Time and Task Management

It’s not about the planner! Managing your time and tasks requires you to think about, prioritize, plan, start, and complete daily tasks. Time and Priority Management Time management involves estimating how much time you have and then figuring out how to best allocate your time to stay within time limits/deadlines to achieve your goals.  Kids and adults…

Executive Functioning and Attention Management

These three executive skills involve attention management: sustained attention, working memory, and organization. Sustained Attention Sustained attention is the ability to maintain attention to a specific situation or task despite distractions, poor mental energy, fatigue, or boredom.   This skill is often misunderstood because of some of the terms we have used to describe this problem…

You Can Change!

Despite Unchangeable Circumstances, You Can Change Your Life

October is ADHD Awareness Month!

October is ADHD Awareness Month!  In this series of articles, Dr. Davenport discusses how ADHD is often misunderstood and how symptoms are often different in boys and girls and men and women.  He address how this confusion is further exacerbated by language, learning, and executive functioning weaknesses commonly seen in children, teens, and adults with ADHD.  He closes out…

Help for Your Impulsive Child (5-10 years old)

For five to ten year olds, “STOP-THINK-GO” is a research-based cognitive-behavioral approach designed to help improve impulse control in multiple situations including at home, in the classroom, on the playground, and in life.